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2023 Articles

How you can prevent inheritance theft with sound estate planning

You may have heard the terms “inheritance theft” or “inheritance hijacking.” This might bring to mind things like your sibling taking the antique desk you wanted your grandchild to have or your wedding ring going “missing” instead of to your daughter, as you intended. Certainly, these are examples of inheritance...

Could your green card status be at risk if you divorce?

Divorce, particularly when there are children involved, is never easy. However, if your spouse is a U.S. citizen and you have permanent resident status and a green card based on your marriage, you likely have some questions about your rights in the divorce and what this will mean for your...

Who can obtain a green card for their parents?

Many people dream of living in the United States. Some people are able to make that dream a reality. They obtain educational opportunities or jobs that help them qualify for visas. Other times, they can use personal relationships as part of the immigration process. Once someone has legally entered the...

2 good reasons to consider creating a pour-over will

A pour-over will works in combination with a living trust to add extra protection to your assets. It ensures that any property not included in the trust when you pass away is transferred to the trust automatically. You may believe your existing estate plan provisions are all you need, but...

What is a commingled inheritance during divorce?

Most of the time, an inheritance starts out as a separate asset that is owned by one person. Even if that person is married at the time that they receive the inheritance, it is still a separate asset. For instance, maybe you got married five years ago. Last year, your...

Should you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

If you don’t earn much income and your debts have become overwhelming, filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be the opportunity you need to regain control of your finances. For those who qualify, Chapter 7 bankruptcy can serve as a gateway to a fresh financial start. Yet, because this opportunity...

Are you too young to draft an estate plan? 

Young people tend to feel like they have a lot of years in front of them, which is most likely the case. However, the truth is that you never know what’s around the corner.  Estate planning offers individuals the chance to make arrangements should they become incapacitated. You may think...

How is property divided in Pennsylvania?

Divorce can be a very emotional and stressful life event. When divorce is on the horizon, a couple will be faced with a myriad of complex issues. One of these is how the marital property will be split.  Every state has laws regarding division of the marital property during divorce....

Estate planning mistakes that can lead to probate

You may already realize the importance of estate planning for ensuring that your assets are passed on to your beneficiaries. Unfortunately, you could make potential mistakes during this process that may lead to more of your estate going through probate. What are those mistakes, and how can you avoid them?...

Deficiency judgments: What homeowners need to know

When you’re a homeowner in financial distress, you may be looking into a number of different possibilities. Should you let your home go through foreclosure? Should you ask the bank if you can offer a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure to try to minimize the impact of the default on your credit?...

Dos and don’ts for bankruptcy

Having debts that you’re unable to pay can be a stressful experience. For some people, there’s simply no money to get those bills paid. It can be very disheartening to have creditors calling and mailing statements to attempt to get money when they know they don’t have any. For some,...

How to keep costs down during divorce

Divorce can be challenging and emotionally taxing, often with significant financial implications. However, there are several steps you can take to keep costs down during a divorce.  Here are some strategies that may help you avoid overspending during your divorce.  Communication and cooperation Maintaining open lines of communication with your...

Has a customer failed to pay their bill?

Your company prides itself on providing top quality products and services at a competitive price. Thus, you have been quite successful in your commercial activities. You have a catalog of repeat customers and you’re also attracting new clients all the time. However, it hasn’t always been plain sailing and you’re...

Is Chapter 7 bankruptcy a good option for debtors?

There are a number of debt management and debt relief opportunities available for individuals who are struggling with debt. If a single account is giving you trouble and you’ve recently secured an inheritance or a tax refund, exploring a debt settlement arrangement could allow you to move forward unburdened. If...

Which parties can you be in disputes with?

When you run a business, you may be in dispute with any involved party. Despite observing the required measures to be a reliable party, you may still conflict with some people and potentially face a lawsuit.   This guide discusses four parties you can dispute with: Employees  Your employees have roles...

How to prepare for Chapter 7 bankruptcy

Not many situations are as stressful and frightening as struggling with debts that you cannot pay. Fortunately, Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows you to discharge unsecured personal debts so you can get back on your feet and focus on rebuilding your finances.  However, the process of filing for bankruptcy can be...

3 common mistakes to avoid during the divorce process 

Divorce by all means is a difficult life experience. It is easy to feel resentful, angry, sad and even lonely. While emotions are expected, they may lead to serious mistakes that can have a lasting impact on your life.  If you are going through a divorce, it is important that...

Who is eligible for a green card? 

The U.S. is renowned for being a land of opportunities and relative safety. For these reasons, many individuals seek to move there permanently.  There are numerous different methods of obtaining permission to stay in the U.S., with a green card being one of the most desirable. However, not everyone is...

You can prevent an heir from wasting their inheritance

One thing that people sometimes mention when creating an estate plan is that they are worried that their heirs may not have the same values that they do, or that they may have different spending habits. Essentially, the person is concerned that they have been saving money their entire life...

Rebuilding your credit after filing for bankruptcy 

One of the primary reasons why individuals who are struggling with debt hesitate to file for bankruptcy is that they’re worried about what taking this step will do to their credit. Thankfully, creditors are usually far more interested in someone’s recent financial history than their older approaches. As a result,...

Will you lose your house if you file bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy can be an incredibly stressful experience. With all of the legal paperwork, not to mention any judgments passed down by creditors, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what will happen next.  One fear many people have is losing their house when they file bankruptcy; after all,...