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Why tell your child’s school about your divorce? 

Divorce is a deeply personal issue that covers sensitive family matters. Thus, it’s natural not to want to share it with everyone. Nonetheless, there is a balance to be struck. You, as a divorcing spouse, may need some support, and so too might your child. 

You may not want to inform your child’s school about the divorce, but it can have benefits. Why tell your child’s school about your divorce? 

They can help you monitor behavior 

Divorce can be difficult for children to navigate because it represents significant changes. Your child may act seemingly fine at home, but they could just be trying to put on a brave face. School may be where they spend most of their time each day, and their true feelings about the divorce may come out in their behaviors. 

It’s not uncommon for children to act out at school when something is going on at home. If the school is aware of the divorce, then at least they’ll have a potential explanation. If your child’s grades slip or they are getting into trouble, it’s easier for appropriate measures to be taken when staff have the full picture. Of course, the school should be sensitive with the information you give them, and staff are typically well-trained to deal with these situations. 

It may be a new school 

Sometimes, relocating is part of divorce. It may not be sustainable for the custodial parent to live in the family home or keep it. This could mean a move out of the previous school’s jurisdiction. Changing schools and processing a divorce are two huge scenarios for a child to deal with. By informing the school of your situation, they can help ensure that your child settles in as well as possible. 

You don’t have to face divorce alone. Seeking legal guidance can also be an excellent form of support.