Why so-called “chain migration” is not a bad thing
You’ve likely heard the term before, perhaps first when used by a certain former U.S. president. The words themselves are neutral, but some stigma has grown attached to the term.
But what does “chain migration” really mean?
Chain migration reunifies families
Emigrating alone from your country of origin and finding your way in a strange land where the language and culture are very different is not for the faint of heart. Émigrés arriving at foreign lands must possess bravery and boldness to strike out alone for the chance for a better life.
But once the person has status as a lawful permanent resident, they can begin to lawfully bring their own family members into the United States. Obviously, reuniting spouses and parents with their children through chain migration has a positive effect on nuclear families.
Extended families bolster an immigrant’s support circle
Legal permanent residents can also benefit from widening their circle of support to include their own siblings and other close relatives. Having family members to turn to in times of crisis can make the transitions easier for those still adjusting to life in a strange land.
They, in turn, can help introduce newcomers to their adopted communities and help them “learn the ropes” as they begin to assimilate into American culture. It’s a win-win for everyone.
How did chain migration get such a bad name?
For some, it is easier to blame immigrants for America’s problems than to actually fix those problems. Accusing a vulnerable population, such as recent immigrants, of having bad intentions makes for good sound bites but has few roots in reality.
Learning more about the rights and responsibilities of legal permanent residents can help you decide whether to sponsor family members to come join you in the United States.